Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a fun and safe day!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fotos Semana 12 PK / Week 12 of PK







Friday, October 29, 2010

Fotos de Pasados Día de Brujas / Old Halloween Photos

I don't have pictures of the girls (on this computer) for Halloween 2006 (they were 21 days old)

(No costume but they had a Halloween onesie)
You have to wait,haha. They are really anxious for this year (me too).

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Solo Me Pasa A Mí / It Only Happens To Me

En muchas ocasiones he dicho y me reafirmo que el discrimen aún existe y no se trata de piel sino de orígenes. Muchas veces he visto como con mi tienda en Etsy ha ocurrido eso. Les diré que recientemente, una muchacha me dijo que quería unas camisetas y me explico el diseño que quería. Al ver su pedido le dije que no había problemas pero, que la camiseta debería ser de manga larga por que es lo que se consigue en este momento en las tiendas (eso no es culpa mía) y me dijo que no, que intentara hasta más no poder. Así lo hice y al final, me dijo que había conseguido otra oferta (fantástico conmigo) pero saben lo irónico de todo esto, la muchacha que le hizo las camisetas se las hizo de manga larga, y después dicen que no hay discrimen.

Lo más reciente que me ocurre es con un "giveaway". Gano un certificado de regalo, entonces por que soy de PR hubo problemas con el envio de la contraseña para hacer uso del certificado (algo inexplicable por que eso es a través de computadoras, pero bueno). Luego de reclamar nuevamente mi certificado recibo el afamado correo electrónico con mi contraseña pero, al intentar hacer la compra no funcionó así que tuve que contactar nuevamente la compañía. Y saben qué, recibo un mensaje donde me piden disculpas por lo ocurrido pero que la próxima vez, tendrán que limitarse a EEUU por que ahora ella tendría que comerse los cargos por el envío y manejo del paquete, pueden creerlo. Que culpa tengo yo de que no especifiquen las reglas cuando hacen "giveaways". O sea, si solo cuentan los estados por favor, escriban US Continental.

Y quien dijo que el discrimen no existe.


In many occasions I have said and I reaffirm that discrimination still exists and not only because of skin but of origins. Many times I have seen with my Etsy store that it happens. I will tell you that recently someone told me that she wanted some shirts and explained me the design that she wanted. Upon seeing her order I told her that there was no problem but the shirt should be long-sleeved because is what is could get at this time in the stores (that is not my fault) and she told me to keep trying to find short-sleeved. Thus I did it and in the end she told me that she had obtained another offer (fantastic with me) but you should know the ironic thing of all this, the person that made her the shirts did them long-sleeved, and they say that there is no discrimination.

Recently I had a similar situation with a giveaway. I won a certificate of gift, then because I am of PR there were problems sending me the password so I could use the certificate (somewhat inexplicable because everything is through computers, but well). After demanding again my certificate I received the famous e-mail with my password but, upon trying to make the purchase it did not worked so I had to contact the company again. And know what, I received a message with apologies for what happened and told me that the next time they will have to be limited to US because now she would have to "eat" the shipment costs of the package, can you believe it. Is not my foult that they do not specify the rules when they do "giveaways". I mean, if only the states can participate, please write US Continental only.

And who said that discrimination does not exist.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Semana 11 de Pre Kinder / Week 11 of Pre Kinder







Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Manualidad de Otoño / Fall Craft

Working on their fall tree craft

Stay tuned more crafts on the way.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fotos del Fin de Semana / Our Weekend in Pictures



Have a wonderful week.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Semana 10 PreK / PK week 10


Also, birthday at school

Tuesday (Columbus Day)



