Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Regresé !!!!!!!!!!!! / I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!!

Me extrañaron, jaja pues dejénme decirles que yo sí las extrañe queridas amigas. Lamento que no hayan recibido mensajes míos durante las casi dos últimas semanas pero, es que acabo de regresar de vacaciones junto a la familia y obviamente, era necesario desconectarse de la tecnología. Desde el 9 al 19 de julio disfrutamos de la magia de Walt Disney World. Fueron unos días maravillosos y mis chicas no querían regresar acá. Yo había ido cuando estaba en la universidad (hace unos cuántos años, bueno no piensen que soy tan vieja,jaja) y verdaderamente ahora disfruté más que antes ya que en aquel momento estabamos en una convención estudiantil.

Gracias a Dios las nenas se adaptaron muy bien y no tuvimos problemas en el viaje del avión y mucho menos para dormir en el hotel. A continuación les mostraré lo que estuvimos haciendo por día (las fotos vienen después):

Día 1: Llegamos a Orlando a las 4:45 am. Paseamos un poco por Orlando y a las 3:00 pm hicimos el registro en el hotel y a dormir.

Día 2: Este fue el día de nuestro aniversario de bodas y estuvimos en Magic Kingdom (sensacional regalo de bodas por lo menos para mí)

Día 3: Hollywood Studios

Día 4: Animal Kingdom

Día 5: Downtown Disney (este día no hicimos mucho por que Sofia estaba un poco enferma de hecho ahora mismo esta enferma otra vez)

Día 6: Viaje a Miami para visitar a mi tía

Día 7: Fue un día tranquilo en el que necesitabamos con urgencia recargar baterías luego del viaje tan largo a Miami el día anterior.

Día 8: Epcot Center

Día 9: Magic Kingdom

Día 10: Downtown Disney, Florida Mall, Prime Outlets y el regreso a casa.

Durante los próximos días les contaré que hicimos cada día en fotos.


Did you missed me, jaja. Let me tell you that I missed you all my dear friends. I am sorry that I have not posted my messages during the last two weeks but, is that I have just returned from my family vacation and it was obviously necessary to be disconnected from technology. Between July 9th to the19th we enjoyed the magic of Walt Disney World. They were some marvelous days and my girls did not want to return home. I had been there when I was in the university (mot so many years ago, do not think that I am too old, jaja) and I enjoyed it more now than before since at that time I was at a student convention.

Thanks to God the girls adapted very well and we did not have problems neither in the flight nor with the sleeping process at the hotel. Let me tell you what we were doing day by day (the photos will come later) :

Day 1: We arrive at Orlando Florida at 4:45 am. We went sight seeing aroud Orlando until 3:00 pm when it was time to ghack in at the hotel and went to sleep.

Day 2: This was the day of our wedding anniversary and we went to Magic Kingdom (sensational wedding gift for me)

Day 3: Hollywood Studios

Day 4: Animal Kingdom

Day 5: Downtown Disney (this day we did not do a lot because Sofia was a little sick, in fact right now she is sick again)

Day 6: Travel to Miami to visit my aunt

Day 7: It was a tranquil day which we needed urgently to reload batteries after the very long trip to Miami the previous day.

Day 8: Epcot Center

Day 9: Magician Kingdom

Day 10: Downtown Disney, Florida Mall, Prime Outlets and the return home.

During the next days I will write about what we did each day with photos.

Take care



Jeremi said...

Oh how FUN Annie!! I was wondering where you all vacationed, I bet your girls had a blast : )

Looking forward to seeing pics and hearing more ......

So glad you're back to blogging, missed you : )

Malena said...

Hurray! I am glad you are all back home safely, and that you had a wonderful time! I look forward to seeing the photos! Hope Sofia is feeling better today! Get some rest today! xo

Jamie said...

I am so glad you guys had a great trip...I thought I had missed some posts in my reader, but alas...there really was not a post to miss. Whew, that is a load off my mind.
Glad you loved Disney...happiest place on earth!

SouthernDogwoods said...

Wow, you all were busy but it sounds so fun! I can not wait to see pictures!
***When you have a second, be sure to head over and play along with my guessing game. : )

Christa @ Little Us said...

It sounds like you've had an awesome time! I LOVE disney! My favorite ride is The Tower of Terror! Did you go on that?

Meet the Smiths said...

I can't wait to see your pictures. We were so close.
We went to Downtown Disney on the 14th...My kids loved it.

So glad you are back.

Christina said...

I'm so excited to hear about your trip!! I'm so glad you guys had fun!!

Lothiriel said...

how fun!!! can't wait for pics!

Deanna said...

Glad you all had a good trip and that you're back home safely! Can't wait to hear the details!!

Caro said...

I cant wait to see the pictures!

KJ said...

Welcome back! Sounds like you were busy! Looking forward to hearing about your adventures and seeing your pictures.

Twincerely,Olga said...

Oh Annie! sounds wonderful!I wish I would have known you were coming!I would love to have met you and your familia!We live in Mco

Unknown said...

Nah I didn't miss you at all ;)

What a great time you had! Can't wait to see all the pics!

Jill said...

Wow, you brave woman taking an overnight flight with 2 kiddos!! Day 1 looks good. Hope you're feeling better soon.