Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Día 2 / Day 2 30 Day Shred

A pesar del dolor en mi cuerpo provocado por el primer día de ejercicios hoy debo decir que me fue mejor. Ayer, solo llegué al circuito 2 pero no lo terminé pero, hoy terminé el nivel 1 completo. Durante la rutina me detuve como 2 ó 3 veces pero, bueno lo terminé. Mis porristas estuvieron allí e hicieron algunos ejercicios también. Al terminar mis ejercicios lo que hice fue ir al teléfono y darle la buena noticia a Pablo, yo estaba sumamente orgullosa pero, que conste que sigo detestando a Jillian por ahora, después ya veremos, jajaja.

Les agradezco todo su apoyo, ustedes no tienen ni idea de lo mucho que eso significa para mí. Sigan con su apoyo. Vamos Jeremi anímate,jaja.


PS: Todos los días haré mis anotaciones.

In spite of the pain in my body caused by the first day of exercises today I should say that it was better than yesterday. Yesterday, I only made it to the 2nd circuit and didn't even finish it but, today I finished the level 1 entirely. During the routine I stopped 2 or 3 times but, I finished it. My cheerleaders were there and did some exercises too. After finishing my exercises all I wanted was to call Pablo and give him the good news, I was extremely proud but, it is evident that I still hate Jillian for now, later we will see, jajaja.

I thank you all for your support, you do not have any idea of how much this means to me. Continue with your support. Let's go Jeremi encourage you, jaja.


PS: Every day I will do my annotations.


Unknown said...

Great job Annie on finishing the 1st level! I think it is a great accomplishment...I've heard how hard this workout is. And how cute that you have two cheerleaders right there. We're cheering you on too!

Lothiriel said...

I've heard of the 30 day shred. I think I'll stick to Zumba! xD

Keep up the awesome work! Feels so good after you work out!

Mrs. M said...

Nice job!

Malena said...

Keeping track like you're doing always seems to hold me more accountable too, but I still goof off in my workout routine.
Keep it up girl!!!