Monday, July 26, 2010

Cosas que No Debo Olvidar / Things That You Should Not Forget

Cuando se viaja a Disney por primera vez se cometen muchos errores así que para que no me suceda lo mismo la próxima vez he decidido enumerar las cosas que debo mejorar. (En ningún lugar encontré una guía que me ayudara a maximizar nuestra estadía así que cometimos muchos errores y obviamente la próxima ocasión trataremos de enmendarlos).

Cosas que debemos hacer:

1. Planificar el viaje con anticipación (el de nosotros fue en un mes).

2. Llevar un itinerario de lugares a visitar desde el primer momento y los días que no estes visitando un parque.

3. No alquilar un auto (el gasto fue enorme).

4. Revisar el itinerario del parque ya que te permite apreciar los espectáculos que ofrecen y maximizar la estadía en el lugar.

5. Adquirir boletos que te permitan entrar y salir del parque sin problemas (es un poco más costoso pero si viajas con niños es lo ideal).

6. Buscar un hotel en Disney ya que te ofrecen la transportación a los parques,no pagas estacionamiento y si te hospedas en sus hoteles tienes la oportunidad de quedarte más tiempo en los parques.

7. Adquirir un plan para las comidas. Nosotros tuvimos la oportunidad de cenar en Magic Kingdom y la comida fue excelente y a buen precio (esto es comparado con lugares a los cuáles nosotros hemos ido acá en Puerto Rico)

Aspectos importantes de nuestro viaje:

1. Un punto importante es que mi sobrina de 11 años todo el tiempo fue catalogada como adulto (ella estaba súper emocionada por eso).

2. Erámos 9 personas (5 adultos y 4 niños).

3. Realizamos un viaje a Miami a visitar a mi tía. El viaje era de casi cuatro horas para ir y regresar, fue horrible. Verdaderamente, yo los felicito cuando ustedes toman la decisión de viajar largas horas de un lugar a otro para mí eso fue devastador. Y dejénme decirles que el viaje de ida en vez de 4 horas fueron 6 entre paradas y perdidas, insisto horrible. Terminamos llegando al hotel a las 2:00 a.m. Yo le dije a mi mamá la próxima vez cogemos un avión o sea, tantas horas en Puerto Rico implica que desde mi casa (yo vivo al sur) a la capital son 2 horas y media así que saquen cuenta de cuántas veces yo pude haber ido desde mi casa a la capital en un día.

Bueno luego les daré más detalles.

Feliz Lunes


When you travel to Disney for the first time there are many errors committed, so for the same thing not happen the next time I have enumerated the things that I should improve. (In no place I found a guide that helped me to maximize our trip so we made many errors and obviously the next occasion we will try to amend them).

Things that we should do:

1. Planning the trip with anticipation (this time we planned it only a month before).

2. Having an itinerary from places to visit since the first moment and the days that are not visiting a park.

3. Not to rent a car (the expense was enormous).

4. Revising the itinerary of the park because it permits you to appreciate all the ammenities that it offers and to maximize the visit in the place.

5. Acquiring tickets that permit you to enter and to leave the park without problems (is a little more expensive but if you travel with children is the ideal thing).

6. Seeking a hotel inside the Disney resort area since they offer you the transportation to the parks, you do not pay for parking and if you lodge in their hotels you have the opportunity of remaining more time in the parks.

7. Acquiring a plan food. We had the opportunity to have dinner in Magic Kingdom and the food was excellent and a good price (this is compared with places that we have visited here in Puerto Rico)

Important aspects of our trip:

1. An important point is that my niece of 11 years was catalogued all the time as an adult (she was excited of that).

2. We were 9 people (5 adults and 4 children).

3. We made a trip to Miami to visit my aunt. The trip was for almost four hours to go and to return, it was horrible. Truly, I congratulate you when you decide to travel long hours from a place to another for me it was devastating. And let me tell you that the trip of departure instead of 4 hours it was 6 hours among stops and being lost, I insist horrible. We finish arriving back at the hotel at 2:00 am. I told my mom the next time we must catch an airplane I mean, so many hours!!! In Puerto Rico a trip from my house (I live to the south) to the capital is just a 2 and a half hours so calculate how many times I could have gone from my house to the capital in that day.

I will give you more details later.

Happy Monday


Check the pictures of Day 2 Here and Here.


Jeremi said...

Good tips Annie -- I wouldn't be a happy traveler with such long delays, especially with kids in tow.

Malena said...

You are not alone my friend. Vacations always seem to cost more than you anticipate. And they are a lot of work! But your girls truly were troopers, and I am sure they'll remember all the wonderful times they had. Are you all able to laugh yet at your horrible car trip? :)

Have a great week!

Jamie said...

Oh Annie...the first time you do anything, you always seem to have a list of what to do and what not to do the next time you go! But isn't it great you already have a next time in your head...what fun!
The pictures from throughout the trip are wonderful...I am so glad you had a great time!!

Heather said...

Great tips! Thanks for sharing.

Deanna said...

Good tips! I can't wait to take our girls in a few years. I don't envy all those LONG travel distances though.

My mom took us when I was younger, and she planned our whole trip in about a month too. She just decided one day that we would go to Disney on spring break. That's how we work in my family! : )

Unknown said...

Great advice, Annie. I'll bookmark this for when we plan our trip! Thanks!

Little BGCG said...

The Park Hopper pass is def the way to go! It is a little bit more expensive but totally worth it!