The weather was great and cold. Definitely, we love cold days because temperatures were very hot lately.
We didn't do lots of things but enjoyed our family day.
The weather was great and cold. Definitely, we love cold days because temperatures were very hot lately.
We didn't do lots of things but enjoyed our family day.
We had lots if raining today. Is a cold night, yes!!!!! The girls had lots of conversations today, maybe the cabin fever affected them, haha. Love my girls and their conversations.
While they play (nicely) I did lots of school work. I spend all afternoon and the beginning of the night front of tge computer, I'm so tired.
Here are some pictures from today and one picture from Pablo's birthday. Sorry I don't know how to switch the photos.
Since Monday people were talking about the storm. Tuesday night the Governor canceled work and school for yesterday. Our private school canceled at 6:45 am and we started at 7:30, it was not fair for people that had to worked. I had to bring the girls with me because teachers need to prepared their classroom.
After that, I came home and started the preparations for the storm. Thanks God we don't have lots of stuff around the backyard so it was fast and easy, ha. Now we are just trying to do some things and keeping the girls busy.
BTW, we just have some winds and scatters showers.
PS: Missed my readers and friends. And no computer and no internet yet.
He is my best friend and husband. Also he is the best father. He was off from work today but enjiy his day without us. Now we are going to eat and later cakeeeee.
Later I will post pictures.
Hello people!!!!!!
We are without internet (is almost two weeks) and my computer died. That means I'm not the best person using my mobile for post.
Until next time.
We survived our first day of school. It was an amazing day with lots of emotions. I was a happy teacher because I had the best of two worlds a job and my girls at the same place. Did I mentioned that my classroom is the next door from theirs?
Thanks God for all your blessings.
PS: tomorrow I post their first day pictures.
Our weekend was a little busy and a little bit lazy.
Friday: Was my official full day of work. I organized lots of books (for the library that were on my classroom. Still had lots of work to do including decorations.
Saturday: Rained alllllll day. We just hang around the house. Played a lot with the girls and watched some Olympics games. At night did some school work.
Sunday: We went to the mall for two reasons: 1. modeling fashion show for my niece and 2. because the girls need shoes for school. So what happened? We missed our niece activity and had no lucky with the shoes. That means, I'm have stressssssss.
That was our weekend. Of course, when I gave my classroom done post pictures (before Wednesday) when schools starts.
PS: sorry for the mistakes I'm typing from cell phone.
Today a had an interview at the girls school. They offered a second grade position. So, I had a jobbbbbbb. I will teach spanish, math, history, science and religion. Also, I'm going to teach one class (science) for third grade.
I'm so happy to be teaching at the same school of the girls.
PS: wondeful birthday gift.