Friday, November 10, 2006

Historia de las Bebés / Baby Story

Nuestras gemelas Ana Sofia y Ana Paola nacieron el martes, 10 de octubre de 2006. Las nenas nacieron de 35 semanas y tres días. Ese día mi mamá estuvo con nosotros desde bien temprano. Luego, al hospital llegó mi papá con mi hermana y mi sobrina. Todos estabamos emocionados por el nacimiento de las niñas.La cesárea comenzó como a las 10:00 a.m. En la sala de partos estaba Pablo con mi mamá. La primera en nacer fue Ana Sofia a las 10:19 a.m.,peso 4 lbs. y 15 oz. y midió 18". Ana Paola nació a las 10:20 a.m.,peso 4 lbs. y 8 oz., midió 18.5". Ambas nacieron saludables y en buen estado.

Mi cesárea fue buena y no presenté complicaciones. Las niñas estuvieron siete días en NICU. Es trsite verlas en NICU con todas las máquinas que le ponen pero,era necesario saber que estuviesen bien. Durante mi estadía en el hospital Pablo me cuidó todos esos días. El momento más difícil fue cuando dejamos el hospital y las niñas tuvieron que quedarse. Eso fue muy doloroso. Gracias a Dios ya están en la casa con nosotros y nos hemos adaptado muy bien. Los primeros días fueron difíciles por qué debíamos adaptarnos a tener bebés en la casa y a todos los cuidados que requieren pero, hemos podido lidiar con eso.

Ser padres es lo mejor que nos haya podido pasar y estamos muy felices y orgullosos de tener nuestras niñas. Durante este mes con ellas hemos aprendido muchas cosas y esperamos aprender más.

Our twins Ana Sofia and Ana Paola were born on Tuesday, October 10, 2006. They were born at 35 weeks and three days. That day my mom was with us since early morning. Then, at the hospital my dad, my sister and my niece met us there. We were all anxious by the birth of the girls. The cesarean section began at 10:00 a.m. In the delivery room was Pablo and my mom. The first one born was Ana Sofia at 10:19 a. m., she weighted 4 pounds and 15 oz. and measured 18". Ana Paola was born at 10:20 a. m., her weight was 4 pounds and 8 oz. and measured 18.5". Both were born healthy and in good condition.

My cesarean section was good and I did not present complications. The girls were seven days in NICU. It was sad to see them in NICU with all the machines but, it was necessary to ensure that they were well. During my stay in the hospital Pablo took care of me all those days. The most difficult moment was when we left the hospital and the girls had to stay. That was very painful. Thanks God they are in the house with us and we have adapted very well. The first days were difficult, we had to adapt to the babies in the house and to all the cares that they require.

Being parents is the best thing that have heppened and we are very happy and proud of having our girls. During this month with them we have learned many things and we expect to learn more.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I never realized how close in birth weights they both were to Violet. It is amazing to me to see the change in her from then til now. So it must be so amazing to you to see how big your girls have grown! Thanks for sharing!